
About our foodbank

The Romsey Foodbank was created because we think it is important that local people provide for the needs of their local community. For almost 10 years the Andover Foodbank provided food for those in need in Romsey.
At Romsey Foodbank (for details see the bottom of this page) you can also discover other ways you can receive help from other local community services based in the Freedom Centre and around Romsey. There are also supplies of some toiletries available from the Foodbank.
Anyone not able to access the Foodbank can be supported by various referral agencies.

In Romsey today there are families and individuals struggling to put food on the table. For many people a sudden crisis, redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill – can mean going hungry.

The number of people in our area requiring emergency food provision has increased dramatically in recent years with almost a thousand people having been supported by the provision of food in the last 12 months.

Romsey Foodbank provides emergency food and support for local people in crisis.

All food is donated by the public and is non-perishable and in-date. Food is then sorted by volunteers.

Frontline care professionals such as doctors and social workers identify people in crisis and can issue a food voucher. Clients receive three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food in exchange for their food voucher.


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