
2016 – who have we helped?

3rd December 2016

Last week we had our annual audit, this meant that we took time to analyse our data and look back at who we have helped since we started Romsey Foodbank in April 2016. So far we have fed over 270 people through food boxes and people coming into our drop in centre. We are very grateful to the Oasis Christian Book Centre and North Baddesley Community Life Centre for being key distributors of the boxes. Over 115 vouchers have been given out in this time and we appreciate the cooperation and concern for the community shown by the referral agencies such as Citizens Advice Bureaux , Test Valley Housing, Romsey Family support to name but a few.As well as supporting individuals we have been able to support local community groups with food donations – Romsey Young Carers, Appletree centre Family support , Youth in Romsey and others. Local food banks in the surrounding area have also been beneficiaries of Romsey food as at times when we have had surplus other places are running low and it has been great to be able to share what we have. We have been able to do this due to the generosity or Romsey community. Almost 7000kg of food has been donated and such generosity was shown at Harvest from local schools, churches, groups and individuals where we collected 2300kg of food! Waitrose is one of our key collection points and a great supporter of the Romsey Foodbank, over 50% of our non harvest food comes from the collection point at Waitrose.
We want to say a huge thank you to the community here in Romsey for your support in donations both of food and finance as well as thanks to those of you caring for this community and referring people to us.
With Christmas in miimg_7302-cutnd now and all the pressures that it brings we are able to offer clients an additional bag of Chriimg_7305-cutstmas goodies with every voucher that is redeemed, we hope these will help relieve some of the financial and social pressures that there can be. We will also be open during December at the Wednesday Drop in and offering additional vouchers to families with children in school who would usually be receiving free school meals.
Aside from food, Romsey Foodbank and Freedom Church worked together with others which included Romsey Primary School and Cupernham Infantimg_7415-cuts school to fill 270 Christmas gift boxes for local children. These have now been distributed to local agencies who have passed them on to local families. Today at the foodbank we received a beautiful card from some of the families expressing their thanks and saying how this support of additional food and gifts really does make a significant difference to them at this time.
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We would like to thank all of our volunteers as well as everyone who has supported us so far through giving food, money, gifts and time – It really is making a difference to the community around us, Thank you.
If you would like to contact the foodbank please email [email protected]

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